Beneath A Steel Sky Games

Beneath a Steel Sky. Beneath a Steel Sky is a 1994 cyberpunk science fiction point-and-click adventure game developed by British developer Revolution Software and published by Virgin Interactive Entertainment for MS-DOS and Amiga home computers. The game was made available gratis – and with the source code released – for PC platforms in 2003. Introduction Beneath a Steel Sky is an excellent adventure game set in the future. Robert Foster is kidnapped from the Gap, a barren wasteland outside a huge steel city, by a security ship. The ship crash lands in the city and Foster manages to hide out in a recycling plant. This is a Reproduction of Beneath a Steel Sky (SCUMMVM) for Sega Dreamcast.Artwork is printed on high quality photo paper and discs are printed onto directly and are high gloss. No disc labels used.Available in the following options:- DVD case, artwork and discMore picture to be added soon.All discs tested before dispa.

Beneath a Steel Sky begins with a comic book introduction which serves notice that the game is a bit different from the normal graphic adventure seen in the genre at the time of release (1994). Relying mainly on voice acting, humor, and a somewhat cliche-filled script to further the plot, the game scores big points for a refreshing approach. Beneath a Steel Sky is a British Point-and-Click video game created by Revolution Software.The game was released for PC DOS and Amiga platforms in 1994. It came in two basic versions for both of those platforms: a text-heavy disk-based affair with minimal sound effects and a more lavish CD-ROM production with full music and speech, the latter of which was unusual considering the limitations of.

• Introduction
• Recycling Plant
• The Pipe Factory
• Middle Level
• Visiting the Factory
• Dr. Burke
• CyberSpace
• Ground Level
• Splash the Dog
• LINCspace again
• Eduardo
• In the Club
• Subway
• LINCs secret Base
• LINCspace in LINC
• Final Fight
• Characters
• Inventory Items
• LINCSpace Inventory
• Cheats + Codes
• Credits...
• Links
• Mainpage

This chapter explains everything there is to know about the controls in Beneath a Steel Sky and how you steer all actions. Because your mouse only has 2 buttons (and a scrollwheel) it is not that hard to get things done. Monkey Island (especially the 3rd part) was harder in that aspect. So after reading this page you should be able to handle the controls in Beneath a Steel Sky flawless, so go on, read the page and enjoy the animated inventory gif I made only for this page.
And remember that ScummVM allows you to switch the game to fullscreen by pressing Alt+Enter (and back again). And P pauses the game, but this is one of the not that important aspects of the Controls in Beneath a Steel Sky. The really interesting part follows:

1. Gamescreen

The first Chapter of the CONTROLS Section is all about what happens in the gamescreen and what happenes if you do something. After all you don't have that many choices of what to do. To be precice, you only have three options. Here are all three options. Beneath A Steel Sky Games
1st Action
Touch an Object with the Cursor:
  • Show what it is.

2nd Action
Click with the right Mousebutton:
  • use and/or pick up
    Foster decides himself what he will do with the object.

3rd Action Click with the left Mousebutton:
  • Look at

That's all you can do with the combination of Mouse and brain.
Okay, one more, if you move your cursor above another person and click a mouse button Foster will start to talk to this person and if you click somewhere, where there is no object or person but Foster can walk to he indeed will walk there.

2. Inventory

You can access your Inventory in Beneath a Steel Sky by dragging the Mouse to the upper end of the screen.
The Inventory window rolls down. You just have to watch this and then choose the Item you would like to use. You do this as described in Controls in Gamescreen. The only difference here is, that you must keep the left Mousebutton pressed to read what the object is. When you release the button the words explaining the object disappear.
Once you selected an item with the right mouse button you can drag it over objects on screen and use or combine it with them or give it to other persons on screen.
Thanks to Daniel for the following info on the mobile version of BASS (per mail):
To use an inventory item on the Android/iOS Version under ScummVM, on the ReRelease or the GOG Version (that is based on ScummVM) you have to use two fingers. Keep the first finger pressed on the item and click with the second finger anywhere else on the screen to select the item. Now it is selected and you tap on the location on the screen to use it there.
If you know any better, or more about another version, write me or discuss it in the Comments.
If you are still having problems with the controls of BASS under Android, take a look at the ScummVM Guide for Android, also check out the ScummVM on Android Controls Guide. If all this doesn't work for you, try installing the Android ScummVM Touchmod, this turns your android screen into a touchpad...

3. Menu

Beneath A Steel Sky Games Free

You access the Menu by pressing F5.
There are a lot of buttons offering you to push around on them. What happens when you push a specific button is explained here.
  • Load Game
    here your Options are:
    • load a saved game
      Here you can
      • cancel
      • load a saved game

  • save game
    here your Optionens are:
    • save a game with a filename of up to 27 characters.
      All in all you can save up to 999 Savegames in the ScummVM version
      thanks to MBB for this info!
    • cancel and get back up one level in the menu.

  • end the game
    • yes
    • No

  • start a new game
    • yes
    • No

  • FX
    • sounds on (button lit)
    • sounds off (button unlit)

  • Talkie and text
    • Text and talkie.
    • Text only.
    • Talkie only.

  • • Introduction
    • Recycling Plant
    • The Pipe Factory
    • Middle Level
    • Visiting the Factory
    • Dr. Burke
    • CyberSpace
    • Ground Level
    • Splash the Dog
    • LINCspace again
    • Eduardo
    • In the Club
    • Subway
    • LINCs secret Base
    • LINCspace in LINC
    • Final Fight
    • Characters
    • Inventory Items
    • LINCSpace Inventory
    • Cheats + Codes
    • Credits...
    • Links
    • Mainpage
  • Music Volume
    You can't turn off the music completely, but you can turn it quieter and louder.
  • Gamespeed
    If Foster is walking too slow for you, you put that switch to the very top and after this he definitely won't be to slow for you anymore.
    Some riddles in this game are structured in a way, that you need to do something fast, while something else is happening. In this case you'll have to set the gamespeed to veeeeeeeeeeery veeeeeeeeeeeeeeery slow. This way you can set Foster and the game to run slower (running slower, yeah) or set the game and Foster to run faster. Don't panic, and don't forget your towel, I will explain this in the walkthrough when needed.
  • back to the game
    That's a good thing to ask, eeeehrm, I mean that's a good thing, that you found that button, use this button to get back to the game.

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Reader comments, opinions, alternate solutions and more:

Beneath A Steel Sky Gameplay

1) Daniel (mail hidden)
wrote on: 2014-01-11 18:02:39

How to press F5 on Android? I dont have hard camera button, I read that you can do it with shift+5 on the android keyboard, but on the numeric part it doesnt have shift!
2) Yjgalla (mail hidden)
wrote on: 2014-05-24 10:27:48

@Daniel if the question is in fact how to open the menu on Android, you use the Android menu button (or screen symbol) instead of F5

Games Like Beneath A Steel Sky

..:: © by selmiak 2004-2021 ::..
-= Beneath a Steel Sky © 1994 by Revolution Software =-

Games Like Beneath A Steel Sky