Golf Swing Video Analysis Software

Hey, everyone. Another RotarySwing University Podcast here today, and we’re going to talk about using our golf swing analyzer to analyze your golf swing because, of course, if you’re not looking at your swing on video and in a mirror, you have no idea what you’re really doing and how to make any progress on your golf swing. If you’re serious about making progress, you have to use some sort of golf swing analysis software. The great news is, for all RotarySwing University students, it’s free. You can upload your swings in here, analyze your swings, use our golf swing analyzer software any time as part of your premium membership, so you might as well use it because there’s no point in paying for one when you can get ours as part of your membership. Let’s talk about how to use it and some of the features and things that you want to look at in your golf swing.

  1. Aug 04, 2021 V1 Golf App. The free V1 Golf Swing Analysis and Instruction App empowers golfers to be their best. Capture and review your swings with powerful analysis and playback tools. Send videos to your V1 Pro instructor and receive voice-over video lessons.
  2. Many golf coaches have already adopted Swing Profile for full-time teaching, because Swing Profile saves valuable time on video analysis. After the lesson, the coach can send both the swing video and swing sequences to the student for record keeping via “Team Chat”.
  3. Download these apps before you get started analyzing your golf swing. Or, if you are interested in a standalone device I recommend you heading to our review of the best golf swing analyzers. V1 Golf App lets you record your swing, send to instructors, and fully analyze any type of swing. There is a free app and has an upgraded.

We’ll start with this swing here on the left, and we will use the driver here. We’ll look at a couple other different things as well, but one of the most important things that most amateurs make a mistake on is the position of their head both at setup and as they move in the downswing. When you’re looking at your swing using the golf swing analyzer, make sure that you draw a vertical line from the left ear for right-handed golfers, of course, straight down. You want to see with an iron that the ball will be right on that line but with a driver, we’re going to move that ball up in our stance a little bit as you can see here. The ball is in front of that line pretty significantly, and that’s so that we can catch the ball a little bit more on the upswing with the driver.

Apr 27, 2021 MotionView is an advanced video analysis software for golf professionals and amateur golf players. The tool has a very friendly and easy to use interface, that will help you to quickly analyze your golf swing and improve your movements. MotionView supports multi-camera video capture (up to 8 camera, including high speed cameras), slow motion. Video Swing Analysis, 3D Motion Analysis, and Weight Transfer / Balance Analysis are all designed with one purpose: make you a better golfer. In reality, a golf swing happens very quickly, and can be difficult to improve, especially when you don’t have analytics and recording technology to visualize the swing.

Best Golf Swing Video Analysis Software

As we start back, you’ll notice that my head is going to move back off that line a little bit. Now, this is a little bit more than is ideal for with the driver, but I took a little bit wider stance here because I was trying to catch the ball a little bit more on the upswing, so as your head moves off the ball a little bit, it does add some variability in the swing. Like I said, this is a little bit more, but when I’m really trying to hit one really hard, I’ll go ahead and let myself make a little bit bigger move with this wider stance, and this will help me as I come down to stay back behind it a little bit more. You’ll notice my head significantly behind the ball.

This is a pretty old swing. It’s probably 15 years old, but I don’t quite do it like this anymore, but it gives you an idea of what you want to see because most amateurs will be way out in front of that line with every club in the bag, but when I’m really loading up to hit a big one like I am here, I want to stay way back behind it and make sure I catch the ball in the upswing. That’s why you notice my head back here a little bit.

One of the other things that you want to do in this golf swing analyzer is draw a line on your right hip, again, for right-handed golfers. As you go back, you want the appearance that that right leg never goes way past that line. You see this all the time in so many students that their right hip goes way back over here and pushes way outside that line. This is what creates a big hip sway and also tends to cause you to reverse-pivot. As your hips go back this way, your upper body is going to fall back toward the target, and this is a horribly weak position to hit the ball from. Make sure that that right hip stays in that line, and then, of course, as you come down, it’s going to move off of it as you move back towards the ball. Couple good things to look at here using the golf swing analyzer.

Now let’s look at the swing on the right, talk about a few different things here. One, I’m going to draw a line on the top of my head. It wasn’t quite exactly what I was looking for. I’ll show you how to use our delete tool in the golf swing analyzer software. You just come in down here, click the trash can, and you just click on whatever lines that you want to erase you can erase them individually, and of course, you can change the colors of lines. If we want to make this one yellow now, now I’ve got a yellow line on top of my head. Then say we’ll put a green line on my tush line, and all kinds of different things that you can do with the golf swing analysis software.

Now let’s walk back. I’m going to unlink these as well. Right now, you’ll notice that they’re synced up in the software. If you click this link tool and then just select the one that you want to focus on, you can leave that one in that position, and then as we go back, now it’s just the one on the right moving.

Couple of things. One, notice that my tush line, I’ve actually moved my hips slightly further back. Whoops. Didn’t mean to do that. Use the trash can tool here. What I’ve done is I’m starting to load up my glutes and my hamstrings as I go back here. You’ll notice my hip is actually moved further into the tush line further back behind it. Most amateurs do the exact opposite. They start to stand up, and their hips move away from that tush line, and that’s no bueno. The same thing with my head. Move amateur golfers make the mistake of their head actually rising up above that line where it starts. You’ll notice mine’s actually gone down, and that’s because I’m starting to squat a little bit. That’s loading up my glutes and my hamstrings and my quads and my core for power in the swing rather than just trying to stand up and use my arms to weakly flail at the ball. This is another good line to draw as you’re working through your swing using the golf swing analyzer.

Now as you come down, you’ll notice that my head has moved below that line a little bit further and that my hips have stayed on that tush line. That’s really critical so that we can make sure that we maintain our angles that we’ve created in the golf swing.

Couple good things for you to look at when you’re looking at your golf swing. Golf swing analyzer software is going to be included in your RotarySwing University enrollment, so you might as well take advantage of it. If you have any other questions, we’re always here to help you. Be sure to ask questions on the website, and we will help you analyze your swing using our golf swing analysis software.

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Golf Swing Video Analysis Software

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