Install Plugy Diablo 2

How to install plugy diablo 2

Please consider donating something to Yohann for his excellent work.
- v10.00 changes :
- PlugY works for 1.13c version of LoD too.
Update of 08/14/2010
PlugY, The Survival Kit 1.10 with 1.13 compatibility is online !
Thanks to the donater. I hope some other will donate since it's released now.
PlugY.ini was missing in zip version, it's fixed at 08/15/2010 08:45 GMT
Update of 08/04/2010
The works for the 1.13 compatibility is done now but I will do some more test before release.
I think to do the release during next week.
There are 3 people who have donate, thank you to you and to prospective doner.
Don't forget to send me an email to in specifying what gift have you done, I will thank you ;)
Update of 07/25/2010
I'm currently working on compatibility with patch 1.13c.
My goal is to finish it before August 27, 2010, but as some know, I have much less free time than before.
My wife does not like to see me 'wasting my time' to update PlugY.
I totally understand and to be forgiven, I thought to buy her a gift when finished.
But afterwards, I thought it would be nice if the Diablo and PlugY fans for whom I do that, also thanked her by participating to the gift. So she will see we have a great community around PlugY. ;)

  1. Download - 432.23 KB Diablo 2 Views: 114,671 Downloaded: 38,611. Launch any number of Diablo II games on the same computer. Diablo 2 - PlugY 10.0 released.
  2. Configuring your Diablo 2 Shortcut. After you get the Glide wrapper installed and configured, you’ll need to add the following command switches to your Diablo 2 shortcuts “Target” field. This is done by right-clicking the shortcut icon, then select properties. Target: “C: Games DiabloII Diablo II.exe” -3dfx.
  3. PlugY 14.00 and above can be installed in Diablo 2 1.14d. A link is HERE (Click) Sell Nagelring to trigger Pandemonium event. Auto Gold Pickup. All Missing SuperUniques can be spawned. Nilathek Portal Fix. Fix for Shadow Master - disappears much less for most maps. Fix for NecroMancer revives so they don't wander off.
  4. Installation Simply download the zip file in the root directory of the repository (PlugY and extract the files into your Diablo II directory. Then, start the mod by running PlugYRun.exe. If you would like to edit the configuration of the mod, open PlugY.ini in your favorite text editor and save your changes.

PlugY installation guide v10.00 (most common) Subscribe and stay updated! In the future I have plans on updating this guide to the latest version, I just r.


How To Install Plugy Diablo 2 2019

- Infinite storage space in the stash (up to 4,294,967,296 personal pages!)
- Shared storage space in the stash (up to 4,294,967,296 shared pages too!)
- Enabled the ladder only runewords out of realms.
- Local World Event and Uber Quest for singleplayer and multiplayer off-realm !
- Can open Cow Level Portal even when player have kill the Cow King in that difficulty.
- Unassign assigned skills and stats points.
- Change the selected language.
- Always regenerate maps in SinglePlayer like in MultiPlayer.
- Automatically execute /players X when you launch a new game.
- Added some pages for display more characters stats like %MF.
- Display item level in its popup.
- Launch any number of Diablo II games on the same computer.
- Increase the stash to 10x10 squares.
- Change the save path directory.
- Always display Mana and Life values above the globes.
- D2 can load all files, even those opened with Microsoft Excel (disabled by default).
- Display the stats current value (without magical bonus) like Magic/gold find or maximum resistances.
- PlugY is localized in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Polish.

Plugy is the best mod available for Diablo II: Lord of Destruction, without changing much of the game's core mechanics. Diablo II has many amazing mods, with some even adding additional content in the form of new acts, quests, locations, skills, items, and monsters. However, if you are looking for a mod that keeps the game as close to the original as possible, Plugy is what you need.

Plugy provides the most requested quality of life enhancements to Diablo II. The top among these is the inventory size. Plugy gives Diablo II the following changes with regards to item storage.

  • Every character gains a personal stash and a shared stash
  • A stash has pages with each containing 10x10 slots, that is, 100 slots per page
  • There are 4 Billion pages for personal and shared stash
  • In other words, infinite storage for the whole game

Not only did Plugy solved the storage problems of Diablo II, but it also made it easy to share items between characters without having to use multiple versions of the game or any muleing program.

As a bonus, when you install Plugy, you get these additional features:

  • The Runewords that are exclusive to the realm become available in the game
  • The Pandemonium Event becomes available
  • The Uber Diablo quest becomes available
  • The Cow Level Portal becomes always-accessible, even if the Cow King has already been killed in that difficulty
  • Unlimited skill and character stats reset
  • Display of additional info in the game, like item levels, magic find, and maximum resistances

How to Use Plugy

Install Plugy Diablo 2

Plugy is easy to use, as it only requires the installation of a free plugin. The current version is compatible up to version 1.13d patch of Diablo II.

How To Install Plugy Diablo 2 2021

  1. Ensure you are within the compatible version.
  2. Download the free Plugy installer from
  3. Install the plugin.
  4. You can still play the original version of Diablo II without the changes by running the original launcher of the game.
  5. To run the Plugy version, choose the Plugy launcher.