Sims 2 The Burb Family

  1. Sims 2 The Burb Family Hair
  2. Sims 2 Burb Family Tree
  3. Sims 2 Burb Family House
  4. Sims 2 Burb Family
  5. Sims 2 Burb Family

So I'm finally getting back into The Sims 2 and already I've accidentally killed Jennifer Burb.

Sims 2 the burb family hair

Sims 2 The Burb Family Hair

Whether it's a sexy sports car, a family SUV, a summer cruisin' convertible, or a sensible sedan, we've got you covered. See our world famous collection of cars below in all sorts of flavors. (For the Sims 2 only) TOTAL VEHICLES: 219. I tried to get them to match their Sims 2 versions as best as I possibly could.:-) This family includes 7 sims, from the Burb and Marsh sides of the family. Upon request, I can upload individual Sims if you'd like me too (I saved a copy of each Sim). But for now, they are uploaded as one family. Download The Burb Family!

After playing the later games for so long, I forgot how easy it was to have a fire start. Conveniently enough, I also forgot to place a fire alarm in the kitchen, which led to poor Jennifer burning to death in front of John, Lucy and the private school headmaster she'd been cooking a meal for.

I was disappointed at first, but I've actually been having more fun playing the Burbs now than I initially had – minus the fact that all John does is sleep and cry. At first, they felt like quite a boring family without any drama and I wasn't sure what to do with them, apart from have more children since John wants six.

Speaking of, Jennifer had just gotten pregnant when she died, although she didn't know.

As morbid as it seems though, I'm actually having a lot of fun with this family, apart from Jennifer's ghost being adamant on scaring Lucy every chance she gets. Lucy's a teen now and she's pretty much taking care of herself, while her dad mourns. She's also got a bolt of chemistry with one of her friends from school, Tara, so I'm looking forward to seeing where that might go next.

I'm really excited to be getting into The Sims 2, so I apologise in advance for how much I'm gonna rant about it. I also wanna know what could be fun to do with the Burbs next! Or any of the families for that matter, I love reading about how people play premade families so please let me know how you do! <3

(And if anyone can tell me how to find my screenshots in my files, that would be great since mine keep showing up as .bmps)

The Burb Family Part 1


Early Saturday morning, before the sun even came up, Jennifer notices someone has knocked down their trash can. Angry that someone would do this, she picks it up and makes sure to look around for any damages. No real damage was done to their property besides that, but the awful stench and mess attracted cockroaches! Jennifer is disgusted and sprays them right away. She hopes that’s it, she doesn’t know if she can handle any more creepy crawlies.

Proud of her grades and how well she aged up, Lucy’s parents give her the okay to adopt a kitten finally. She can’t wait! She’d been wanting one for a while and is glad they finally gave in. She knew it was more of a money issue than them not wanting her to have one, but that didn’t make her want one any less!


While waiting for the new kitten to arrive, Lucy gets better acquainted with her new little brother.

Sims 2 The Burb Family

Shortly after, a nice police woman shows up with Alegra in tow. “Look at that cutie pie!” Lucy couldn’t be any happier. They splurge on some more stuff to house the kitten, feed her, and give her somewhere to go to the bathroom.

All of that was made possible by Jennifer achieving her goal and getting a promotion! She’s very happy about it and getting ready to work towards her next one soon too.

Sims 2 Burb Family Tree


Sims 2 Burb Family House

As time progressed into the evening, John gets ready to cook dinner for the family, only to see that the fridge is practically empty! Jennifer makes a call to the grocery delivery, and they say they’ll be over fast. John accepts the order when they arrive and gets cooking for the family dinner before bed!

Sims 2 Burb Family

This is the end of the first week with the Burbs! I don’t know if they’re as interesting as other families because they’re so normal, and I feel like I always stray towards normal wife/husband and 2.5 kids families and just have them go to work, but it’s fun getting to see the way things can progress and the friendships and things people can do in each family. I hope to go a little out of my normal playthrough with these and experiment, something I know I’ll be doing in the next house on the list – the Caliente household!!

Sims 2 Burb Family

I tend to play the next few households a little interchangeably for the first few days. I start with the Caliente’s but then I need to jump in to play as the Goths and Lothario families too. They’re all very interconnected and I don’t want too many days to pass between each household between me playing the others. This gets more relaxed later on in the playthrough, but with it being the start, there’s so much going on in the first day or two in each house and each scenario in the different houses are connected so it’s harder.