Itunes Library Genius.itdb File Is Locked Button
Itunes Library Genius.itdb File Is Locked Free
Contains information about songs and other audio files stored in an iTunes Library; the files 'iTunes Library Extras.itdb' and 'iTunes Library Genius.itdb' are stored in the iTunes folder along with the iTunes library file. The iTunes Library Genius.itdb file is locked, on a locked. The iTunes Library Genius.itdb file is locked, on a locked disk, or you do not have write permission for.
Hello all,
I am writing this in order to get a better understanding of why my computer is acting strange. For some time now whenever I try to open my iTunes I get this error message: The iTunes Library.itl file is locked, on a locked disk or you do not have write permission for this file. Now as far as I know, I didn't do anything to lock the files. One day it just started giving me this message when trying to open iTunes. I also have what I believe to be a corrupted file in my system by way of a friend who provided me with a 'must see' video link. Of course it was to a porn site but they assured me it was safe (what, porn sites are safe?). This particular file will take over my desktop. I can't even delete the file from the folder it's in. Everytime I try to open the folder that contains the 'corrupted file' the computer will freeze, when I try to delete the file itself I get some message saying some other program is using the file and it can't be deleted. I know the HiJack This procedures have changed so what can I do here? Help.